Thank you to our 445 donors and 24 ambassadors who made our Giving Day a huge success. Together we raised £84,161!

Find a cause you’re passionate about

Start unlocking the doors to opportunity today – your gift makes a difference now.

Medical research at the University of Nottingham



Mental health support at the Students' Union



Scholarships for disadvantaged students



Sporting opportunities at Nottingham



Our Giving Day has now finished but it’s not too late to make a gift!

Remember to reference ‘Nottingham Ambition Giving Day’ in the motivations section when making your gift.

Give by post

If you would prefer to donate by post, please download this donation form and complete the Gift section (our full return address can be found on the donation form itself).

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us by email at or by phone on +44 (0)115 823 2805.

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